Raw Spaghetti for vitality! ♥

I just love it when it starts getting a bit warmer and the courgettes are back in season! Hooray!

Eating more raw foods at this time of the year comes to me naturally and I have to say I am always amazed at how much vitality it gives me, and it is much needed at the moment!
I am lucky to have a lot of work, teaching yoga and cooking, and I am preparing for a 5 week trip to Bali in August to complete my 500h Yoga teacher training. More on that soon.

In busy times I am always reminded how important it is for me to keep up with eating well, practicing yoga in a nurturing way (which should obviously always be the case but this means sometimes really slowing down and making sure we're practicing to replenish rather than exhaust more...)  and making sure to also have time for the people I love!

Back to the courgette.
The courgette (Zucchini) belongs to the squash family, this one being a summer squash. In a culinary context, the courgette is considered as a vegetable, however, it is an immature fruit, it is actually the swollen ovary of the courgette flower!!

Nutritionally in its raw form, it has very little calories and is rich in potassium and vitamin A.
I always think it is best to eat it raw so it keeps all its nutritional properties but to be honest I also like it cooked occasionally.
There are millions of dishes you can make with it: grated courgette salad, courgette lasagne (you can learn this one next tuesday HERE), courgette stir fry, oven roasted courgettes, stuffed courgettes....
But for now we'll stick to a real quick recipe, ideal for an energising lunch/dinner, the courgette spaghettis.

Courgette spaghettis

Serves 2

2 courgettes
1 handful of alfalfa sprouts
1 handful of mixed crunchy sprouts (such as lentils, chickpeas, mung beans...)
1 avocado, diced
1 handful of pumpkin seeds

For the fresh tomato sauce:
4 tomatoes (about 250g)
1tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp minced shallots
1 tsp dijon mustard
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

Make the tomato sauce by blending all the sauce ingredients in a blender. Adjust the seasoning. Set aside.

Cut the courgettes in spaghetti-like strips using a spiraliser or a julienne peeler. If you don't own any of these you can simply make ribbons with a potato peeler.

In a dish mix the spaghetti with the tomato sauce. Add the avocado, the sprouts and pumpkin seeds. Mix gently and serve!
Bon appétit!

Let me know how it goes and let me know your requests for the next blogs in the comments below!
