Back from Bali!

I am just back from a 5 week level 2 yoga teacher training (YA 500h) with Yoga arts in Bali with 17 other teachers from all over the world. I am not sure the word "advanced" really means much as I feel the more I learn the less I know, or should I say the more I feel there is to learn... and to share... 

We certainly learnt a lot about adjusting, sequencing, using props, yoga therapy and anything related to the asanas (postures) but it was yet another reminder that the asanas are only one limb of the ancient and complete science of Yoga. Keeping the body in good functioning order through Asanas, but also through Ayurveda, Pranayama (breathing) seem essential to access the mind and start working with it to gain focus, clarity, creativity and peace.
Going further, our teacher would remind us often that the goal is to see clearly (Darshan), to see the truth, which only a clear mind will let you see, instead of being blinded by any sort of veil. 

For me this is all about making sure we are doing the right things for the right reasons, staying true to our true self. For example if I was going to teach a very fast paced yoga class with dance music in order to please some students and make them think I am cool when this is not something I relate to at the time, I am not seeing my truth, therefore I will never be satisfied as I am lying to myself. The students might enjoy it but I will always know deep down that it is not me ( It could be one day...). 
If I teach  in my own way, what I know, and not what I pretend to know, then I will attract people who respond to it and to whom I can really transmit something that comes from the bottom of my heart. 
I know it sounds quite obvious but we get carried away very easily in trying to do things for the wrong reasons, and I have done that many times. The truth is that it feels so good to be true to ourselves. It is like a relief, a coming home feeling, a deep sense of peace.
That's how it feels to me whenever I manage to stay connected to my centre, my truth, let's hope I can come back to it as often as needed! 

Asanas are still a big part of my practice though and they will probably be for as long as I can do them.
They can be exhilarating, fun, deeply relaxing, challenging or strengthening. 
But nothing is separate and focusing on the breath as you move through the asanas creates a beautiful moving meditation too, feeling al your limbs moving from your core centre...

Anyway I feel like there is far too much to explain into words and still need to digest it all! 

I am looking forward to see you in class, I am now fully back to London teaching.
In the next few weeks in class we will go through the whole body starting from the feet and legs this week to move up gradually. Classes will be fluid, as challenging or restorative as needed, fun and meditative at the same time... 
Come along! Schedule HERE

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